Business & Quality Improvement
MCS provide a comprehensive range of business management and quality support services to meet all your organisational business needs. From organisational development strategies and resource management, to the establishment of a full quality management system including the development of critical business planning policies and processes, our highly skilled and professional consultants have proven experience in delivering professional results.
MCS provide continuous improvement training and mentoring, as well as quality management audits and compliance assurance. Our consultants are qualified in Lean Six Sigma and can assist you in reducing the ‘waste’ from your business’s processes.
Our Business and Quality Improvement services include the following:
Business policy and process development;
Business case and funding submissions;
Business governance;
Human resource management, including Workforce Information Technology Systems and Workforce Intelligence and planning;
Financial management;
Cost estimation;
Training Analysis, Development and Review;
Quality Management System Development;
Quality Management System Audit & Certification Services;
Continuous Improvement strategy formulation, facilitation and implementation; and
Continuous Improvement training and coaching and mentoring programs